How A 16 Years Old Misty Became An Angel For The Family?

It all began When there was an un-certain death that happened in the family of 5 living in the new jersey, United States. The head of the family Mr. Jacob Christian planned a vacation to Hawaii for himself, his wife Mrs. Martha Christian, and his 2 daughters, Betty, And Misty. Oh, Wait!!!. We forgot to mention the backbone of the family. The GrandMother of the 2 little daughters and the Mother of Mr. Jacob Mrs. Samantha Christian.

Well, as we mentioned above that Jacob was planning a vacation to Hawaii with the family. The family went on a vacation after booking the flights to Hawaii for 4. Leaving the grandmother Mrs. Samantha behind with a caretaker. The family left the house happily on Feb 26,2020. The littles ones were happy as after so long, There father took them for a vacation.

They were really enjoying the Mainland, They were skiing, walking around the beaches, enjoying the seafood, and performing various activities there. The family was on a 15 days vacation. But they never thought that after a happy night. The day is coming with bad news for all of them. On March 5, 2020, at 10 A.m in the morning. The got a call from their landline number. Their caretaker Ms. Julien Boyath was over the call on the other side of the phone. She told Mr. Jacob that while she was preparing food for his mother. She heard the sound of her mother asking for a glass of water. Which Julien gave to her. After giving Samantha. The glass of water. Julien was back to finish preparing the breakfast for her. And as soon as she gets back to feed her.

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Misty On The Second And Betty On First
From The Right With Her Friends.

She saw that Samantha was still in her wheelchair. Julien called her several times, But Samantha was not responding. So, She went near her and shook her a bit. Suddenly Samantha bent over to one side and fell on the left of the wheelchair. Julien was really scared. She called Mrs. Samantha's family doctor immediately. The doctor confirmed that unfortunately, Samantha died with a silent heart attack. After listening to this news. The family was in shock. They were trying to get back to new jersey Hawaii as soon as possible. However, Their flights from Hawaii To Newjersey was on March 10, 2020. But now they want to get back to home before their actual flight date anyhow.

They started hunting the flight to go back home. But, unfortunately, they saw that every flight booking website is showing "No Flights Available". They were not sure about what is happening to them. Jacob said while talking to us that before leaving for Hawaii from Newjersey. He himself checked that. There were more than 20 flights available from Hawaii before their actual return date. But now, he is not able to find a single flight back to home. They called many travel agents and many online travel companies and explained their situation. But no one was able to help them. The hotel staff then told them, That Due To COVID 19 Pandemic. All the Flights Had Been Suspended. They were really scared. As by now, they got the complete picture in front of them and they know that only a miracle can take them home safely and immediately. Jacob and his wife were really worried.

Betty and Misty, The 2 daughters of Jacob, were not aware of the seriousness of the situation. As a they were running in the room and shouting in joy. As they were onto the vacation. But Jacob And his wife Martha scold them and told them to stay quiet. For that Martha told Jacob to hand over his cell phone to the daughters. So that they can play quietly. Betty started reading the book. But misty was doing something over the cell phone. Everyone was quiet in the room. It's Been 1 P.m. In Hawaii. The family was still trying to find a flight to go back to new-jersey.

Suddenly, It was 2:30 P.M at the clock. Jacob got a call from an Un-known number. There was a guy named Mike who was there on the other side of the call. He told Jacob. That he was about to complete the reservation for a flight to the USA from Hawaii. But he left at the check-out page without putting his card details. Jacob was shocked. Because he was just sitting quietly and never did anything like this. But while Jacob was talking to Mike (Who called regarding the flights). Jacob realized that Mike was actually a reservation executive calling from a travel agency. Mike told Jacob that, If he want s to get the flight. He has to complete the booking right now. Because the flights are for the same day. Mike told Jacob that the flight will leave at 5 P.M from Hawaii. And this will be the last flight. As the upcoming flights are canceled due to COVID 19 Pandemic.

Jacob reserved the flights without thinking anything. And when they got onto the flight. Martha said that It was Misty who was playing with your cell phone. Jacob immediately talked to Misty and tell her to explain what actually she did? And why did she not informed her parents about the same?. Misty said that she was afraid, As suddenly a screen appears on the mobile asking for the payment. Misty thought that she did something wrong and placed a request for purchasing something. But accidentally. She requested the flight for her family. As soon as Jacob and Martha realized this. They hug Misty.

As soon as they reached home. They said the final goodbye to their Grandmom and completed the final ritual.

While we were interviewing Jacob about her experience. He told us. Mike was from an Online travel agency Named "Plan My Tickets". Jacob even saved the Toll-Free number of the company. That is +1-844-259-6001.

After getting the details from Jacob about "Plan My Tickets". We called the company and try to understand. How they were able to offer the last-minute flight to Jacob. When everyone was denying. We preferred interviewing Mike (The Same Guy Who Book The Flights For Jacob And The Family).
Mike Told Us That His Company Is In the Air Travel Industry Since 2008. They are certified IATA travel agents. Airlines Always have some special deals for all the IATA agents.

Mike Said, they know about the flight cancellation prior to its final planning. They were actually aware about the exact time of complete lockdown. And At That Time United Airlines And Southwest Airlines Allowed them to book the flights one last time for the passengers who want to come back to the US. Mike Said That It Was Actually A Co-incidence That The Little Girl Actually Hit Their Ad on Google Which Was Offering Last Minute Flights At Cheapest Prices.

Mike Said That There Were Only 2 Flights Left From Hawaii. One Was With United Airlines And The Other Flight Was Under The Southwest Flights To Hawaii Sale With southwest Airlines.
And Jacob Choose To Travel With Southwest. As It Was The Cheapest Option Then.

We Were Really Amazed After Listening To JACOB And MIKE. Jacob Himself Told Us That a 16-Year-Old Misty Became An Angel For All Of Us.

We Took All The Information about "Plan My Tickets". You Should Also Consider Them. May Be Because Of The Combination Of Little Misty and This Company. Actually, A Miracle Took Place In Hawaii At That Time.

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